Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bring Armorgeden To Iraq

I. Introduction

A. Attention-getter

1. The world relfects blood red as the sun touches the sky.
(Transition sentence goes here)
B. Preview main points

1. Use the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator on Iraqi underground facility developing nuclear weapons.

2. The World 's reaction to US's Nuclear Plan.

3. The nuclear threat Iraq posseces against the US.
(Transition sentence goes here)
C. Thesis statement

1. US should use a new nuclear weapon to destroy Iraqi underground nuclear development facilites.
(you may also put the thesis before the preview if you find it to be a better flow for your paper)

II. Body

A. Body paragraph #1 (first proof of your thesis statement)

1. Topic sentence

a. Use the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator on Iraqi underground facility developing nuclear weapons.

2. Supporting details (proof of topic sentence; be specific with details and have enough information)

a. To nutrualize the nuclear threat in Iraq

b. To feild test success rate of a new nuclear weapon

c. To replace Cold War eara nuclear warheads

d. To develop simpler and safer Nuclear Arms

e. To start a simple and safer Arms Race

f. ______________________________________________________________________

B. Body paragraph #1 (second proof of your thesis statement)

1. Topic sentence

a. The World 's reaction to US's Nuclear Plan.

2. Supporting details (proof of topic sentence; be specific with details and have enough information)

a. Japan's reaction towards a new Nuclear Plan by US for being the only country to be hit with a nuclear weapon.

b. US's side of the story

c. Other counties with nuclear weapons' reaction towards the plan

d. Prediction of how the rest of the world will react

e. What actions will US take

f. ______________________________________________________________________

C. Body paragraph #1 (third proof of your thesis statement)

1. Topic sentence

a. The nuclear threat Iraq posseces against the US.

2. Supporting details (proof of topic sentence; be specific with details and have enough information)

a. How close is Iraq is to completeing a nuclear bomb

b. Action the UN has taken to know Iraq's nuclear capability

c. Iraq's past bioweapon usage

d. How Iraq could have a nuclear weapon now

e. What resources does Iraq have.

f. Who is helping Iraq reach their nuclear goal

III. Conclusion

A. Re-state thesis

1. US should use a new nuclear weapon to destroy Iraqi underground nuclear development facilites.
(Transition sentence goes here)
B. Review main points

1. Use the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator on Iraqi underground facility developing nuclear weapons.

2. The World 's reaction to US's Nuclear Plan.

3. The nuclear threat Iraq posseces against the US.

(Transition sentence goes here)
C. Attention-"goer" (sometimes called the "clincher")

1. The time is now to take action or to hold our truths forever on the events that is going to occur.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Annotations 8

The New York Times Company

US Could use limited Nuclear Weapons in Iraq

US forces could use the new "Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrators" to destroy bunkers, caves, or underground facilites developing Nuclear Weapons if approved Congress. This relates to the bibliograph beacause it is the persuasion wether to use this method or not to eliminate a Nuclear treat.

-Internet Site

Annotations 7

Mcclatchy Newspapers

March 2, 2007

US Unprepared for Nuclear Terror Attack, Expers Say
by Greg Gordon

This article is about how the US will be unprepared for a Nuclear Attack.
The Bush administration has already spent more than $300 billon to protect the homeland. This relates to the bilbliography brecaus it explains one of the reasons why Iraq Nuclear Development facility should be bombed.


Annotations 6

Christian Science Monitor

March 9, 2007

A US Plan for Simpler, Safter Nuclear Arms
by Peter Grier

The US is making new desingns to make nuclear weapons less complex and safter for the enviornment when used but this may also stop other countries to stop their disarment of their nuclear weapons. This relates to the bibliograph because if approved by congress, these new weapons may be used on Iraq facilities developing nuclear weapons.


Annotations 5

by Webmaster Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1998

Iraqi Nuclear Weapons

This article is about Iraq's history of using and developing Nuclear Weapons from the Persian Gulf War till now. This relates to the possibility of Iraq having a Nuclear Weapon and using it.

-Internet Site

Annotations 4

U.S. wages a campaign of fear against Iran

Larry Hufford. National Catholic Reporter. Kansas city: Mar 2, 2007

This article is about Bush's administration promoting a campaign against Iran for supplying Iraq's insurgent groups. This relates to the bibliography for the raise of the need to take action.


Annotations 3

Superintendent of Documents Jul. 20, 1992

President Bush

This article is about the inspection for Weapons of Mass DEstruction (WMDs) in Iraqi facility from 15 squads of the UN over a period of 18 months has found that Iraq is clean of any WMDs. This relates to the kind of measures the UN has taken to disarm Iraq of WMDs and no more furher use of WMDs even from the US.


Annotations 2

June 6, 2005, Vol. 10, No. 36

Father of the A-bomb

What have we learned about J. Robbert Oppenheimer?
By Harvey Klehrl

This article is about J. Robbert Oppenhiemer's bibliography. Oppenheimer was the scientist who over saw the consruction of the a-bomb. And in 1967 Oppenhiemer died from cancer. Oppenhiemer's work is the origin of nuclear weapons.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Annotations 1

Macon Telegraph

(Macon GA)

March 11, 02, n.p.

This articel is about the rest of the world is against U.S.'s policy on nuclear bomb threats; leading other countties to believe that the U.S. is going to blow up the world. This shows what other counties' opions are on the decision.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Raft, March 19

my spring break sucked a**! all i did was work, mcds is the worst place to work at i swear. the customer complaints were so stupid and they all were so freaken picky about whats on their sandwhich and no ice in their drinks and what drink they want. we don't even surve their drinks to them they get their own drinks and still tried to make sure it was correct. and on my days off i had to baby sit my little cousins till 2am. and then the next day i had to go to worked right after with only 5 hours of sleep. my spring break just sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (>.<)
and 3 trimester is gona suck too because now that i have work and it's the last tri i have to work twice as hard as i did in the 1 tri and i worked my butt off on the
1 tri.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 10: Problem Solution (Rough Draft)

Hell on earth

-Through out the years of human history man has evolved to make things easier for them to live in luxury. Different source of powers have been found in time to get to where we are today. But the advancements of today’s technologies are a double edge sword. For us to live in an easy life we are destroying our own world. The earth’s atmosphere that is keeping us safe from the sun from over heating us. The "Greenhouse Effect” is an evidence of this growing problem. Natural events in the world maybe also be causing this event to occur, volcanoes are one of those contributions. But the amount of contributions by human out does the volcanoes over 100 times. The world may come to an end but that doesn’t give them right to throw it in our faces whenever they feel like it.

--The “Greenhouse Effect” is the real evidence of the earth’s rise of temperature over the centuries. According to an article in Hatten’s web link Greenhouse Effect Scientific evidence: “The temperature data for 1998 were staggering. Data collected by NOAA (United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) indicated that 1998 was by far the warmest year up to that year. Global mean surface temperature in 1998 was 0.66°C (1.20°F) above the long-term (1880-1997) average value of 13.8°C (56.9°F)”. People all over the world have acknowledged this data and theory. And some have already taken action to stop this event. But just have the idea, or the experiment is easier then done. The article later states: “However, climatic events, unprecedented in the human experience, have been occurring in recent times and the direct cause-effect link may not be evident before it is too late. So, in the face of uncertainty, do we hesitate to act? Or in the face of uncertainty, in light of the potential outcomes, do we act?” So we’ve still have more research to make to take full action.
Some contributing factors the “Greenhouse Effect” are by nature itself. Natural events like volcanic eruptions cause CO2 to be thrown into the atmosphere. In the article Influence on the Greenhouse Effect in the links by Hatten: “Volcanic eruptions can enhance global warming by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. However, a far greater amount of CO2 is contributed to the atmosphere by human activities each year than by volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes contribute about 110 million tons/year…”. This may seem like very large amount of contributions by nature but the article quickly reacts to the statement with: “…whereas human sources contribute about 10 billion tons/year”. Humans are the practically the main cause of the greenhouse effect because of the use of vehicles which the product of CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

---People who are involved with the “Greenhouse Effect” don’t ever shut up because some one always has their mouths open about the situation and annoy the rest of us normal people. The "Greenhouse Effect" is the primary evidence of the earth’s temperature rising over the past centuries. Natural events such as volcanic eruptions are a contributing factor and human activities are the primary contribution. For this problem to be solve we must find a way to either balance the out weighted gases in the air by giving it a counter act. Such as to produce more O2 and the other gases to make it even. Such as to make a vehicle that runs on some things else and produce something not harmful to the atmosphere. But of course it is only an idea which is easier said then done. There may not ever be solution to the problem, but it is always better to have a dream to hold on to and keep trying rather then giving up before even trying.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

KEYS {}==;;

"-" means problem

"--" means evidence and contributing factors

"---" means solution

Day 8: Climate Changes (Out Line)

-Through out the years of human history man has evolved to make things easier for them to live in lugsery. Different source of powers have been found in time to get to where we are today. But the advancment of todays technologies is a double edge sword. For us to live in a easy life we are destoring our own world. The "Greenhouse Effect" is one the possiblity of how the world would come to an end. Natural events in the world maybe also causing this event to occur, volcanoes are one of those contributions. But the amount of contributions by human out do the volcanoes by times 100. The world may come to an end but we can't stop the enidble so we need to live our lives through the fullest.

--Greenhouse Effect
Scientific evidence:
The temperature data for 1998 were staggering. Data collected by NOAA (United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) indicated that 1998 was by far the warmest year up to that year. Global mean surface temperature in 1998 was 0.66°C (1.20°F) above the long-term (1880-1997) average value of 13.8°C (56.9°F). It is possible for a year to be the warmest on record and yet none of the months to be the warmest on record. However, for nine of the 12 months of 1998 the global average temperature exceeded the monthly records for all previously recorded years. In other words there had never been a warmer January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August or October than in 1998, since temperature data have been recorded,. In addition, it is worth noting that the previous monthly records had all been reached between 1988 and 1997.

Throughout 1998 there were continuous reports about severe weather occurring around the world as a result of El Niño, a phenomenon that has been observed for hundreds of years. However, the frequency and intensity of El Niño events are apparently increasing. El Niño events used to be observed every five to seven years. Now they seem to be occurring every three to five years. There is no clear link between these and a host of other, recent relatively short-term climatic events and the amount of greenhouse gases humans have been releasing to the atmosphere in the past 150 years. However, climatic events, unprecedented in the human experience, have been occurring in recent times and the direct cause-effect link may not be evident before it is too late. So, in the face of uncertainty, do we hesitate to act? Or in the face of uncertainty, in light of the potential outcomes, do we act?

Volcanic eruptions can enhance global warming by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. However, a far greater amount of CO2 is contributed to the atmosphere by human activities each year than by volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes contribute about 110 million tons/year, whereas other sources contribute about 10 billion tons/year. The small amount of global warming caused by eruption-generated greenhouse gases is offset by the far greater amount of global cooling caused by eruption-generated particles in the stratosphere (the haze effect). Greenhouse warming of the earth has been particularly evident since 1980. Without the cooling influence of such eruptions as El Chichon (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991), described below, greenhouse warming would have been more pronounced.

---The "Greenhouse Effect" is an enedible event to place and destory us all. The is caused by both nature and man. But it will happen no matter what but that dosen't mean we can't stop living our lives to have has many happy memory as possible.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Day 5: Global Warming (Moderate)

-Global warming it is a problem in the world that has everyone contriverting about all over the world. Research has been analyzing past and present record of the ice caps on areas with large ice mass. People have been trying to convince others that we should stop our pollution manufacturing or we will all be doomed with most of our lands underwater. Others say that it doesn’t matter, that the world will stay the way it is if we continue for another century. Both sides give evidences in the argument and theories have been made but none have been proven. Then there’s the third party of moderate, this is where I stand.

--Many articles have been posted about global warming and the cause of it, the article Antarctica Warmed in Past 150 Years, Scientists Say states: "‘Despite recent indications that Antarctica cooled considerably during the 1990s, new research suggests that the world's iciest continent gradually has been warming over the past 150 years. The warming trend was not identifiable in the short-term meteorological records and was masked at the end of the 20th century by large temperature variations, according to a September 5 [2006] University of Washington press release....Using ice cores collected from five different areas, scientists from Australia, Germany and the United States reconstructed a temperature record that shows average Antarctic temperatures have risen 0.2 degree Celsius in 150 years.’" And as for there contributing factor is the release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Which is dissolving our protection against the sun’s dangerous rays. But in the same article it states its own limit on the knowledge of the phenomena.
“The main reason Antarctica seems to have cooled during the 1990s is that a natural phenomenon called the Antarctic Oscillation was largely in its positive phase during that time.” Then states: "‘The caution is that we don't fully understand the feedbacks between overall climate warming and the Antarctic Oscillation," he added. "But having the 200-year record is what convinces us that there is a relationship between Southern Hemisphere temperature changes and Antarctic temperature changes.’" This just proves that they would not really know what will happen and that they still need real events to prove their theories.
Another article that is going against the theory that the world is getting hotter states that what is happening is the exact opposite, not that the world is getting hotter but colder. Remember Global Cooling Why scientists find change so hard to predict climate states: “Even by the time it appeared, a decades-long trend toward slightly cooler temperatures in the Northern hemisphere had already begun to reverse itself—although that wouldn't be apparent in the data for a few years yet—leading to today's widespread consensus among scientists that the real threat is actually human-caused global warming. In fact, as Inhofe pointed out, for more than 100 years journalists have quoted scientists predicting the destruction of civilization by, in alternation, either runaway heat or a new Ice Age.” In the article they even stated that the cause it by man and that it is changing the weather’s climate. Even in the title is say: “Why scientist find change so hard to predict climate.” So if they stated that of what their opposing group said and even said that they can’t predict what is really going to happen.

---No one can really predict what will become of the end when we have reach the limit, even those of are experts cannot say something without the other and so then gives it flaw to their statement. So if neither side can give a whole answer it is unreliable. So until the time comes let us do what ever and believe what ever.

-Info credit is given to Hatten’s links

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day 3: Tartan Problem

-tartan high has a stealing problem.

--during the fist year I was at tartan our math teacher informed us of some pass graphing calculator poning. they were being stolen from every one and everywhere. later on that year the school made an anoucement about the situation. our teachers made us register our calculator numbers to keep track of them if they were every missing. and during this while i was eating lunch a monitor was hanging around my table because my friend has left her ipod out in the open. she informed me that there have been ipod stealing laterly and should be careful. people sometimes would leave their things alone and get their things stolen. sometimes they would forget were they placed it and someone else picks it up.

---to solve this people just have to be careful on where they put their things and keep them whith them at all times. and be resposible.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Day 1

-your family wants to spend more time together, but no one can agree on what kind of activity to do.

--the problem is that my family cant agree w/an activity, the solution would be to ask what they we like and come to an agreement with their choices because someone may like one thing and the other. unless this dosnt work the idea of family time was a bad idea because it can cause competitiveness and end up in a roit.